Sunday, September 4, 2016


Calling all thespians! It is that time of year again! Shakespeare Performance Troupe is holding auditions for our Fall 2016 shows! This semester, we are putting on:

After Juliet- A sequel to Romeo and Juliet that picks up where Shakespeare left off. In the wake of the deaths of our infamous star-crossed lovers, the Montagues and the Capulets have called a tense truce (spoiler alert: it doesn't last). Meanwhile, Romeo's best friend Benvolio has fallen in love with Juliet's cousin (and Romeo's ex) Rosaline, who is hell-bent on revenge. Even more pettiness and doomed love ensue. (Directed by Kat Phifer)

Shortspeare: The Shakesperience- An original mash-up of the Bard's greatest hits, selected, directed, and performed by various members of SPT. Audition for and/or submit your favorite Shakespeare scenes and monologues that you'd like to direct or perform as part of the show. If you think you might be interested in directing, this is a great opportunity for you to try it out without committing to directing an entire show! (Overall director will be Charis Nandor, directors for individual scenes TBA) 

Dates and Times:
Where: Rhoads Quiet Study
When: Thursday, September 8 from 5-9 pm AND Friday, September 9 from 5-10 pm

*Callbacks will be held on Saturday, September 10th

You may sign up here for a ten-minute slot during the first two hours of either audition period. From 7:00 pm onward, we will be having walk-in auditions. If you are auditioning with a partner, please sign up for two back-to-back time slots (or just come to walk-ins together) Please keep in mind that if you are auditioning during walk-in hours, there may be a bit of a wait.

If you can't make any of the audition times provided or any of the unclaimed time slots, please e-mail the directors (contact info can be found at the bottom of this post) and we will find a way to fit you in!

Audition materials:
Auditions materials can be found here or on the right-hand sidebar under "Important Links." Please select ONE MONOLOGUE and ONE DIALOGUE from the auditions materials to perform. You may audition for one or both shows but your monologue and your dialogue must come from two different shows (even if you are only auditioning for one of them)

Things to know if you haven't auditioned before:
  • You may either prepare your dialogue with a partner or just have someone in the audition room read with you on the day of. 
  • Auditioning for both shows means that you could be placed in either show. You will not be placed in both shows.
  • You DO NOT not need to memorize your monologue and dialogue, and we will have the audition materials available at auditions, but it is in your best interest to do some preparation and practice beforehand.
  • If you signed up for a time slot, please arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled audition time, because you will need to fill out an audition form prior to your audition.
  • Please be as honest as possible when filling out your audition form to ensure that you will be comfortable in your role and available for rehearsals.
  • A call-back is not a guarantee that you will be cast. Likewise, you may still be cast even if you are not called back.  
Want to do technical theater for SPT?
E-mail the directors (contact info below) with the subject "Teching for SPT."
Contact us:
Charis Nandor (Director of Shortspeare):
Kat Phifer (Director of After Juliet):
Kristiana Marcopoulos (Co-Coordinator):
Aly Robins (Co-Coordinator):

We can't wait to see you there!

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